
For us, it’s about conducting business responsibly and creating long-term solutions that consider sustainable social, environmental, and economic factors. Malmberg has been around since 1866 and as a long-term actor and community builder, it is a matter of course for us to contribute to the development of a sustainable society both locally and nationally!

We are convinced that our investments in sustainability will create higher profitability and thus create value for all our stakeholders. The effects of climate change are tangible, and awareness of the problem is high. Advanced purification and solutions in environmental technology are of great value for the transition that the entire world is facing.

Agenda 2030

The Global Goals are the most ambitious agenda for sustainable development ever adopted by the world’s countries and exist to achieve four great things by 2030: End extreme poverty. To reduce inequalities and injustices in the world. To promote peace and justice. Solving the climate crisis. The 17 different sustainability goals are guiding everyone’s commitment to establish a clear plan and to take the necessary measures by 2030, to create long-term sustainable development, abolish extreme poverty, solve the climate crisis, and reduce inequalities and injustices in the world.

Achieving these goals requires a great deal of commitment from everyone – both international and national levels.

As a company, Malmberg has a responsibility to show the way and drive change towards a more sustainable future. We support the UN’s 17 global sustainability goals in Agenda 2030 in their entirety but have chosen to focus on the four goals that are linked to our significant environmental aspects.

Goal 3

Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages.

Malmberg’s commitment
Promote a safe and secure working environment.

Goal 6

Ensure access to water and sanitation for all.

Malmberg’s commitment
Work actively to minimize water pollution. Reduce emissions and minimize impact in projects.

Goal 7

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.

Malmberg’s commitment
Change the way we use and produce energy. Minimize fossil energy sources.

Goal 12

Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Malmberg’s commitment
Develop sustainable production to minimize the impact on climate, environment, and people.

Collaborations locally and for the next generation!

Being an actor who is at the forefront of the work for a better environment also places a demand on how we act as a company in society. An important part of our business is to be a natural collaboration partner where our concept of Generation Zero and our values always have a central place in the choice of collaborations. We choose to focus on activities that promote health for children and young people, safety-creating activities, and branding activities.

Sustainability report 2023

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