Horsens, Denmark
Horsens bioenergi
Facts about Horsens Bioenergy
Malmberg COMPACT® GR 14 viewed from digestion chamber
Horsens Bioenergy plant is situated approx. 10 km north of Horsens, Denmark just close by highway E45.
Horsens Bioenergy owns the biogasplant and DONG Energy owns the upgradinf plant. The parts have signed a 15-year deal of biomethane.
Horsens Bioenergi is owned by Bigadan A/S which has its head office in Skanderborg not far away from the biogas plant.
The plant in Horsens has two upgrading machines and the first one built was a Malmberg COMPACT® GR 14 with a biogas capacity of 1400 Nm3/h.
The work of planning started in 2008 och in 2014 the plant was completed.
Treatment capacity
- 340.000 tonnes, approx. 75 % manure and the rest 25 % food waste and fish waste.
- 20 millions Nm3 biomethane/year
- 340.000 tons biofertilizers/year
Malmberg sales representative Denmark
Niels G. Conradsen
Green Gas Solutions Aps
Ved Slotshaven 3
2820 Gentofte
+45-26-34 60 88
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The first thing you think about coming to Horsen’s biogas plant in Denmark is how clean and tidy it is. A well-planned facility that has thought of the most. Everything from the fact that the plant will melt into the landscape with the rolling fields around it and that odour will not be spread in the neighbourhood. Today it is a highly-efficient facility where about 25 farmers daily empty their lorry tankers with manure and receive a biofertilizer material that is even more effective for crops.

Perfect located plant and highly efficient
Today, a perfect balance has been found in the mixture of waste that is being treated. 75% consists of agricultural manure and 25% is food waste, slaughter waste and fish waste. The food and slaughter waste comes from close by but fish waste comes from Norwegian salmon farms, a raw material that is super-efficient when it comes to gas exchange.
It’s not hard to figure out why you would build a biogas plant in Horsens? This is a large agricultural region with countless farms all around, and one of Danish Crown’s most abundant slaughter facilities is nearby. The owner Bigadan A/S, who initiated the idea of a biogas plant, saw a business opportunity but also to have a nice reference plant near its headquarters in Skanderborg, which is only a few kilometers from the plant.
After the political process including miscellaneous citizens-hearings and environment approvals, and in addition, archaeologists who surveyed the earth after ancient remains the plant could be built in late 2013. The surface of the plant is 15,000 m2, corresponding to ten football plans. A year later, you produced upgraded gas and you already realized that capacity could at least double. Today, approximately 20 million Nm3biomethane is produced per year in comparison with the estimated 7 million. A fantastic development and 10 people work today with the operation.
Malmberg and Horsens bioenergy
Malmberg has delivered a Malmberg COMPACT® GR 14 upgrade facility, which has been running 24/7 since its start at the end of 2014. We meet Klaus D. Johansen, who is the head of the entire plant and Henrik Bie, Operations manager. Two people in full control and that really make sure the plant is running like a clock. It is noticeable that they are careful about the control of the plant. Nothing can be left by chance, and they have also been careful about the staff employed and “we have amazing employees who do a really good job”, says Klaus D. Johansen.
I like it when it just works and is simple – just like Malmberg’s plant.
Klaus D. Johansen.
Klaus D. Johansen has long experience and knows what he is talking about. To get the whole plant in such a good condition and to deliver as well they have been taught day by day and by mistake. At the beginning, for example, gas production just went up and records by record were struck in comparison with other facilities. But a few days before christmas 2014 gas production dropped and they could not understand where the fault was. At last, it was realized that too much of the high-efficient fish waste struck out the gas production. After much thinking and analyzes, they finally understood how to keep the mixture right and production could return to the high levels.
It is clear that Malmberg thought about its upgrade concept and probably has the most reliable machine on the market today. It’s not many hours it has been down.
Klaus D. Johansen
The biogas leaving the digestion chambers is upgraded in Malmberg COMPACT® GR 14. The machine is centrally located directly adjacent to the digestion chambers, and only a few meters away is the office and control room. Klaus Johansen tells us about when the installation started. “It felt like very professional. It came people from Malmberg and virtually lived here until it was finished. Everything went smoothly and structured. It is clear that Malmberg thought through about its upgrade concept and probably has the most reliable machine on the market today. It is not many hours it been down “, concludes Klaus D. Johansen. Of course, the plant needs maintenance and that is solved through a Malmberg service agreement. At maintenace or acute actions Malmberg has a Danish service team that quickly can be on the plant.
Stability is the most important in terms of technology and suppliers. We experience this with Malmberg.
Henrik Bie, Operations Manage
Dong Energy owns the upgrade provided by Malmberg and has a 15 year collaboration agreement with Horsens Bioenergy. Lars Markdal Johansen, Senior Commercial Developer at Dong Energy, was there in 2012 when the procurement of the upgrade facility was made. After prequalification there were three different suppliers who were allowed to bid. When all the parameters for the total economy were summarized over a 15-year period, Malmberg’s had the best tender. The plant was installed within the promised time frames and we are very pleased with the availability which is on a high level. “Today we are on a fairly constant 98 %”, concludes Lars Markdal Johansen.
The future
Danish politicians really like biogas and promotes it. It is a smart solution for the environment where waste becomes environmentally friendly gas and it closes a cycle. Therefore, there should be no problem to expand Horsen’s biogas plant further. Currently, the municipality is negotiating for more land. There are also many ecological farmers in the area and they need a lot of nitrogen for their crops. The plans are to build for it. In return, these farmers get a good ecological fertilizer back.