Sweden’s largest geothermal energy project

Jordbro, Stockholm


Hembla AB





In Jordbro, a suburb of Stockholm, Hembla AB (formerly D.Carnegie & Co) has carried out a comprehensive energy project. These are multi-family properties that were included in the 1960s million dollar program. The program solved the housing shortage in Sweden at the time and the houses were quickly bulit, but there was no overarching thought about energy efficiency.

Today, the situation is different, and Hembla AB (formerly D.Carnegie & Co) has chosen to implement a large overall action program for it’s properties, where the existing discript heating is replaced with environmentally friendly geothermal energy. The estimated operating cost savings specifically in the geothermal project in Jordbro is expected to be 66% compared to today’s disctrict heating operation.

Malmberg Geothermal energy plant

During 2017, Malmberg began energy drilling. A total of 135 energy wells of 355 meters were drilled, making the geothermal energy plant in Jordbro Sweden’s lagest in terms of the number of drilled meters. Divided intp 5 substations, the facility delivers a total output of 2030 kW. This means an annual saving compared to previus district heating operation of 8400 MWh, which corresponds to the free energy obtained from the mountain.

The geothermal energy plant has a COP of 1:4 for heat and water operation, that is to say that for every added kWh of electricity, a total of 4 kWh of heat energy can be deliverd to the house.

Malmberg EnerGeo®

The total of 1100 aparments will now be supplied with heat and hot water via an environmentally friendly energy source- Malmberg Energeo®. It is a prefabricated geothermal energy center that is designed to be put into use quickly and to streamline the installation progress.

Kim Strandberg, Who is project manager for Hembla AB (formerly D.carnegie & Co.) agress that an efficient process is very important.

We wanted as short installation time as possible and we got that throught Malmberg’s prefabricatedsolution- Malmberg Energeo.

The location of the Malmberg Energeo® centrals are outdoors in five so-called technical houses. Here, Kim goes on to say that he heard many worries voices from the tenants association about how much noise the centrals would generate. But now that the first four Malmberg Energeo® power stations are in operation, the worries have been blown away.

I am very satisfied from the sound from the centrals. The tenat association is also very satisfield/(pleased?)

We at Malmberg belive that geothermal energy is an important part of a sustainable future and we thank Hembla (formely D.Carnegie & Co.) for chosing to invest in a better future environment.