JET Master®

Increase the well capacity with JET Master®

We master all the conventional methods for reconditioning of wells, from the simplest form of blowing with compressed air, packer, and mammoth pumping to jet pulsation and chemical cleansing. Each service unit is equipped with a compressor, in addition, to supplying compressed air but also provides a pump with power. Moreover, we have a comprehensive range of pumps for rental and we also offer maintenance of pumping and pipe equipment for operational optimization.

JET Master® clean out pumping

We are the only drilling company in Sweden that uses the unique JET Master® method for cleaning the filter wells. In most cases, it results in a capacity increase of more than 100 percent. What is unique is the vibration induced by flushing through 4 nozzles. They rotate up to 10 000 rpm and the combination of high pressure, and water gives it the unique pulsating effect. The vibrations get sand and gravel grains to vibrate and rotate and the detached coatings and oxides of the gravel formation are pumped up continuously. All waste is then pumped out of the well.

The well capacitiy is tested and filmed before and after the pumping of JET Master®. The results are compiled in a reconditioning report with associated film and handed over to the client.

Screened well before and after JET Master®


What types of wells can be reconditioned with Jet Master®

JET Master® can be used in all filter wells of any material (steel, plastic, wood, concrete, etc.) with a well diameter of 100-1000 mm.

  • Continous slotted
  • Bridged
  • Horisontally slotted
  • Vertical slotted

Sustainable method

No chemical additives in the flush water. The increase in permeability is only due to the vibrations and flushing.

  • Proven technology
  • Efficient execution
  • Long-lasting capacity increase
  • Short downtime, 1 day
  • Better total economy (pump operation, cleansing intervals)

For more information or questions, please contact me